Insurance Blog
Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Why Your Minor Might Benefit from a Life Insurance Policy
Posted: May 7, 2021
Most people do not consider buying life insurance until they are married or have children. If you are single and do not have any children, buying life insurance may not top your list of priorities. A minor of any age can own a life insurance policy indirectly as a gift or can be transferred by an adult. What is the Best Age to Buy Life...
6 Smart Insurance Questions for Newlyweds and Soon-to-Weds
Posted: May 5, 2021
6 Questions to Ask an Insurance Agent in your 20's and 30's 1. We’re getting married. Should we wed our auto insurance as well? If one of you has a Mad Max-like driving history, then auto insurance might be one of those things you don’t merge once married. But if you and your spouse both have good driving records and no recent gaps in insurance coverage, you might save money...
Commonly Overlooked Types of Business Insurance
Posted: May 4, 2021
You already have business insurance, but have you overlooked a situation that could put your business at risk? We offer a list of the most overlooked types of business insurance, as well as a brief explanation of each type. Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI): This insurance protects against claims filed against your business by an employee, such as wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, and others. When...
Ask Your Insurance Agent These 7 Savvy Questions Before You Turn 45
Posted: May 4, 2021
Questions To Ask an Insurance Agent When You’re In Your 40’s 1. What is guaranteed replacement cost? Losing your home to a fire or other catastrophe is a terrible experience. Yet, it can get even worse if, in the aftermath, you learn that you don’t have enough coverage to rebuild your house back to the way it was before tragedy struck – or increased costs...
Nest Full? 6 Things to Discuss Now With Your Insurance Agent
Posted: May 3, 2021
Questions to Ask an Insurance Agent in Your 40’s and 50’s 1. We’re on a collision course with college tuition and expenses. What can we do to ease the pain? No doubt, expenses can be tight when you’re parenting teens and a “send money” request is just a push notification away. It pays to find ways to reduce costs any way you can. Your ERIE...